Demirtash: Panic is the reason for detention and chemicals attacks

demirtasNORTH KURDISTAN, — Kadikoy Branch of Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) arranged a solidarity dinner which was attended by BDP Co-chair Selahedin Demirtash, MPs Sebahat Tuncel and Nazmi Gur, Provincial Co-chair Asiye Kolçak, PM members Mehmet Durmaz, Omer Agin and Hussein Gungor, Confederation of Trade Unions of Public Employees (KESK) President Lami Ozgen and representatives of political parties EHP, DIP and EMEP. 

Selahedin Demirtash stated in that a struggle for which people face torture, languish in prison and sacrifice their lives is already an achieved struggle.

In the regard to the purpose of such attacks targeting Kurds, Demirtash said, “We don’t regard the AKP as the single responsible. As a matter of fact, the AKP wasn’t expected to act in a different way as a party which grew up within a state tradition and sold out its own leaders and values in the process of 28 February. We would be surprised if it acted otherwise.”

Demirtash emphasised that the Kurdish people would never step back despite the repression and cruelty. He added that “What we face today is nothing but the political attitude of the state. The state arrests us because they consider a nonconforming power as dangerous. We stand at a critical point with regards to everyone. The AKP has become aggressive as it has run out of all its credits. This panic is the reason for the indefinite detention rush and the chemicals used in clashes. They have no other way left to use now and they will use if they fail to obtain a result from this process. The AKP has played for high stakes and it will receive a high-stakes loss from now onward.”