Mohammed Qaddah of NCB Central Assembly arrested

illprisonerSKS, — The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change condemns the arrest of Mohamed Qaddah, member of their Central Assenbly in Damascus on Sunday, 26 November 2011. He is from Horan province.
National Coordination Body for Democratic Change holds the regime responsible for any harm that comes to Mohammed Qaddah, and calls for the release of all political prisoners and detainees, including two members of the Executive Office of the National Coordination Body, Mansour Atassiand Naif al-Salloum.

The Body calls on the Government to uncover the truth of the circumstances that lead to the disappearance of activist Jamal Altahan, who was arrested more than three months ago. There has been no official news about him since his arrest, but there is unofficial information that he died under torture.

Damascus: National Coordination Body for Democratic Change Media Office
29 November 2011

Khalaf Dahowd
International Support Kurds in Syria Association [SKS]
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