First World Kurdish Congress to be held at the weekend

World_Kurdish_CongressNEWSDESK, — This weekend the First World Kurdish Congress will be established in Holland by Kurdish and non-Kurdish scientists, businessmen, politicians, academics and members of the cultural community from around the world.

There is high interest for the congress and many participants are expected to attend.   More than 30 well-known personalities from the 4 parts of Kurdistan, UK, USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Germany, France, Venezuela and Korea will discuss the long-term strategy for Kurds and Kurdistan.

The congress will be open by the speech of Leyla Zana, the Kurdish member of Turkey Parliament and the European Parliament’s Sakharov human rights award winner. Leyla Zana was sentenced to 15 years for speaking in Kurdish in the Turkish National Parliament in 1994.

Among the other speakers in the three days congress are Dr. Karianne Westrheim, Chair of the EU Turkey Civic Commission from Norway; Professor Peter Herrmann, University College of Cork, Ireland, Mrs Gissou Nia, International Criminal Court, The Hague-Holland, Mr. Hemin Hawarmi, KDP Foreign Relations, Erbil-Federal Kurdistan, Mr. Mazhar Kaleghi, Kurdish Heritage Institute, Federal Kurdistan, Dr. Carol Prunhuber, Journalist and writer, Dr. Saman Shali, Iraqi Telecom, Dr. Marianna Charountaki, University of Exeter, UK, Hans Branscheidt, Board of Directors of the EU Turkey Civic Commission, Germany, Dr. Rang Noory Shawis, Sheffield Children’s Hospital, UK; and Mrs Kathryn Cameron, President of Leadership Council for Human Rights, Washington DC.

The congress will be organised in eight sessions which will cover Scientific Perspectives on Health, Education, Economy and Politics, Business and Economic Development in Kurdistan, Medical Treatments in Kurdistan: Challenges and Possibilities, The Future of Kurdistan in the Middle East and the Role of Women in Kurdish Society, The Struggle of Kurdish People for Freedom, Education and Social Innovation as a Tool to Develop Kurdistan as a Nation, The Challenges of Mental and Social Health in Kurdistan and Prevention of Diseases and The Impact of Culture and Music in Kurdish Society.