Kurdish youth sentenced to prison

1208_2TEHRAN, Iran, — A Kurdish youth recently graduated from university was sentenced to a year imprisonment by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court, Mukrian News Agency reported.

Ekrem Hederyan, graduated in financial management from Tehran University, was sentenced to a year imprisonment. He was charged for participating in demonstrations of 2009.

The demonstrations swept across major cities of Iran following 13 Jun 2009 against the disputed victory of Iranian president Mahmood Ahmadnjad and continued for more than 3 months.

Demonstrations sparked following the 2009 Iranian presidential election by the Iranian people including academics as they believed that conservative party led by the current president Mr Ahmadnjad, cheated in the elections.

It is stated by the opposition party led by Mir-Hossin Mousavi and Mehdi Karrobi that more than 72 people lost their lives and 1000s were arrested by the regime