Kartal: Erdogan won’t achieve victory through war

H._RemziBRUSSELS, — In an interview with Rudaw, the former Kurdish MP and the chairperson of Konga-Gel Dr. Remzi Kartal assessed the current situation in Turkey and its alliance with Iran.

Kartal underlined that although there are no coordinated attacks right now “Iran and Turkey have an agreement on this issue. In the past, – he said – Iran attacked and Turkey provided assistance. The Turks want the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi government to assist them as well. They want help from the entire world! But that’s just Prime Minister Erdogan’s dream. Iran tried but failed. Now the issue of NATO’s anti-missile defense system has emerged. It seems it’s being used against Iran. The US ambassador publicly stated that the anti-missile defense system would be used to defend Israel against Iran. Erdogan denied the anti-missile defense system has anything to do with the US and that it is NATO’s issue. Erdogan is lying. – Added Remzi Kartal – He’s trying to preserve Turkey’s relationship with Iran. It seems to me that Erdogan’s imagination isn’t attuned to reality. The Turks are also disappointed in the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) cooperation in these matters. In their statements, (Iraqi President Jalal) Talabani and (Kurdistan Region President) Barzani have not given any indication that they are willing to support Turkey’s military operations. All of this indicates that Erdogan will not achieve victory through war.”

Indeed for Kartal “Erdogan’s political game will lead Turkey to a disaster. Erdogan seems to deny the Kurds and their political and human rights in Turkey. He wants to try his luck through war. He made the isolation for the jailed PKK leader even worse. He put Kurdish political leaders in jail. We informed the Turks that they have been trying this method for 27 years and they haven’t gotten anything out of it”.

Kartal also stated that it is not in the best interest of the Kurds and the Turks to continue on like this. “It’s in Turkey’s best interest – he said – to negotiate with the Kurds and to resolve the issue through dialogue. That would be a huge achievement for the Turks and the Kurds. Right now, Erdogan considers himself an advocate of democracy. But it’s not possible for a country which can’t resolve its domestic issues to play such a role in the world. Turkey can’t claim democracy until it has resolved Kurdish issue”.

Kartal also assessed the current situation in Iraqi Kurdistan. “In order for Iraqi Kurdistan to be safe and secure the Kurdish issue has to be resolved in other parts of the Middle East. The countries with Kurdish populations have to change their policies toward the Kurds. If those countries fail to find a solution for the Kurdish issue here will be ongoing pressure on the Kurds in all four areas (Iran, Syria, Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan.) There is a continuous conspiracy by Iran, Turkey and Iraq against the Kurds. All the behind-the-door agreements between these countries against the Kurds have to be cancelled. Instead of conspiracies, these countries should seriously think about finding a solution to the issue. If that happens, Iraqi Kurdistan will enjoy absolute security. That’s the reality for the Kurds”, Kartal added.

Kartal pointed out that the Kurds from all the four areas have to cooperate. At the same time, they have to protect their successes, especially in Iraqi Kurdistan. “Iraqi Kurdistan must endure some difficulties in order to find solutions for the Kurdish issue in the other parts of the Middle East. If Iraqi Kurdistan fully supports Iran and Turkey in this conflict, it will bring danger to them as well. They have to keep a balance between protecting their successes and keeping close relations with the other parts of Kurdistan. Iraqi Kurdistan should have relations with Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq to protect its achievements. But its relations should not be to the detriment of the Kurds in those other countries. President Barzani always says, ‘We are ready to help in any way to find a peaceful solution for the Kurdish issue, but we won’t support confrontation.’ That’s an important policy and it has to be continued. Kurdistan enemies must understand the Kurds won’t fight each other anymore. If the Kurds all agree on protecting their national interests, the enemy will understand us and the Kurdish issue will be solved”, he concluded.