Iran got to learn from defeat

toniLatif Serhildan

On 15th August in 1984 The Kurds in Turkey began their arm struggle against very oppressive military, dictatorial Turkish regime. The uprising in Kurdish called “Sheridan” the old Japanese verb saying “If you result to violence then you already lost”. I think this phrase goes very well for the Turkish state, Iranian State, old enemy led by Saddam Hussein in Iraq and today in Syria.

What can I say about these countries? Besides the obvious ones, human rights violations, genocides, massacres, unlawful killings, massacres etc. Every single of these states have tried and did those things to Kurds throughout History. We all should take good look to Turkish genocide of the almost 2 million Armenians in 1915 and realise these are the very same nations that are in control today in Middle East.

What makes Kurds different to every other nation in the world? Nothing except they have equal right to fight against the oppression and rise up to dictators. What are the differences between Kurds to Albanians, Bosnians, and Croats, east Timorese, Sudanese, Colombians, Basques, and Irish, the answer is nothing many other nations that fought for their just cause the same way as the Kurds are doing it.

Today both the enemy of the Kurds and Enemy’s enemy of the Kurds have labelled Kurds as “terrorists” Why? As far as the economic relations concerned in this economic turmoil these rogue states like Turkey, Iran and Syria will be supported by the Western Imperial powers, they and are in business relationship with one another such as UK, USA, France etc.

Evil state like Iran that kills, torture, rapes hangs innocent civilians on daily bases are in contract for oil with these same western countries, gas deals in despite of many their backward Islamic laws and their massive abuse, discrimination against women, children and ethnic minorities belongs to different race and religion occurrence on daily bases.

In the last 2 months Iran has violated International law by crossing over to Iraq’s territories of Western parts of Kurdistan, (Northern Iraq) to kill and exterminate the Kurdish freedom fighters, PJAK guerrillas.

PJAK since its establishment has called on Iranian state to negotiate what will be fair and square the rights of Kurds living Iran. The Kurds in all parts these countries are asking for the same thing; the right to exist as nation. Live peacefully side-by-side along with their neighbours. However if the neighbours turn out to be heinous, then Kurds have no choice to take up arms and defend themselves.

Here this is what is going to happen to Iran? USA are waiting for the Iranians to go really deep inside Iraq but were disastrously defeated and killed by PJAK guerrillas (which they already lost more than 300 Iranian Revolution Guards, including top generals) than USA will step in to crush the stupid Iranians like they did to Saddam Hussein. It was the Kurds in Iraq that got Saddam Hussein not George Bush. He only stepped in when he was already very weak.

If that is tell you something? Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it. Iranians have to look back as far as Shah period or further Alexander the great period. Here comes the outside punch. Will they ever learn? Time to grow up, what is the matter with you?