Campaign on facebook to revoke Lausanne Treaty

7_dayDUBLIN, — Kurds in Dublin had launched an infinite hunger strike against Lausanne Treaty which started on 20th July and ended on Friday 29th July once they got a letter form the European Union in relation to reassessing of Lausanne Treaty.

The Kurds in Dublin demanded revocation of Lausanne Treaty or its replacement with another pact where the right of Kurds to self-determination is recognised.

Now they have opened a facebook page to continue their campaign in this respect. They believe that Lausanne Treaty denied the very existence of the Kurds and exposed them to some of the most horrendous state terror that one nation could ever be subjected to.

They claim that Lausanne Treaty signed on 24th July 1923 rendered the Kurds devoid of identity and aimed to wipe them off from the earth; since it divided Kurdistan between four of the most violent and retrograde states of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.

They have opened the following page on the Facebook and urge all the Kurds and democratic-minded people around the globe to join their campaign in the revocation of Lausanne Treaty or its replacement by another pact where the right of the Kurds to self-determination as enshrined in the international laws is recognised.