Kurdish Peace Tents for a Democratic Solution – 8 April, Manor House

End the Oppression of the Kurdish People

Kurdish Peace Tents for a Democratic Solution

From noon on 8th April there will be a 24 hour vigil by Manor House Tube Station (Piccadilly Line) in solidarity with Kurds caught in the ongoing conflict and uprising in the Middle East.

The vigil will remain for a week and culminate in a march from Wood Green to Manor House (more information to follow shortly).

The popular uprisings that started with Tunisia followed by Egypt and spreading to other Middle Eastern countries came as a surprise to much of the world. With these uprisings, the people of the Middle East are saying “No” to anti-democratic, neo-colonial, and despotic regimes supported by the US and European powers.

However, the uprising of the Kurdish people has received little attention in the media in Britain and Europe.  This year, the celebration of the Kurdish New Year (Newroz) has been accompanied by widespread political demonstrations and agitation for language rights, democracy and freedom. The Kurdish people are a part of the spring 2011 jasmine revolution and it is about time that the world should hear their voices for liberation and the underlying reasons for their demands for justice. 

Democratic Solution Tents were established in Turkey on 18 March 2011 by Peace Mothers initiative, in all the cities of the Kurdish territories and in Turkey the Kurdish people stood firm for 24 hours in the tents to end the war and in order to demonstrate their will in a powerful and direct way. In solidarity the Kurds in Europe are raising tents in all of the major cities where they reside. 
We, the Kurds living in Europe, condemn the repressive policies and actions perpetrated on the Kurdish people by the states of Turkey, Iran and Syria. We would also like to state that we do not accept the EU policies that regard the legitimate resistance of the Kurdish people as terrorism. We call upon world democratic public opinion to raise their voices against the oppression of the Kurdish people, and support their legitimate demands.

·       End the conditions under which Kurdish people exist without a status by securing their political, cultural and social existence
·       Rights and Freedom for the Kurdish People – Peace for Kurdistan
·       The Kurdish Liberation Movement should be immediately removed from the terror list of the EU
·       Long Live the Honourable Resistance of the Kurdish People!

More to follow soon.

For further information email: knklondon@gn.apc.org or estella24@tiscali.co.uk