IRAN, — According to a report by Iranian Human Right Society, 13,479 cases of human right violations have been reported only in a month- March.
Due to the difficulties of obtaining this information, the report only has enumerated a limited number of the cases.
Over the course of March;
8, 971 times the rights of the workers have been violated.
392 times the rights of students have been violated.
2,408 times the rights of civil and political prisoners violated.
56 cases of death penalties, approval of death penalties, or the executions have been reported.
448 cases of tortures and violation of the rights of political prisoners have been reported.
57 cases of arbitrary detentions of ethnic and sub-national activists reported.
89 cases of arbitrary arrest of religious activists reported.
39 cases of execution reported in March.
William Hague the British foreign minster in a press conference pointed to the British Foreign’s report of the violation of human right in the world which is published in a book.
In a part of his speech, Mr Hague said; “the reports claim that this year the human right situation in Iran, was at the lowest level, in the last ten years”.
The report point to the escalating pressures on the civil and human right activists, political prisoners, journalists, women activists, ethnic and religious groups.
According to the British Foreign Affair’s report, the Iranian regime will continue with the violation of human rights in this year.