LZPRK: Undemocratic face of Islamic Republic of Iran laid naked

27867_1192783479785_1834373180_356522_5368353_nLZPRK, — With no doubt, the existence of any nation overlaps with the existence of its national identity, and the national identity is signified by the culture of the nation at issue. If culture would be seen as a tree, the language is regarded as the root. If the root of the tree is well nourished, the tree will produce healthy and rich branches. What it denotes is the fact that, the more you care about your language, the richer your culture will become. This would in turn give assurance to the existence of a nation. Notwithstanding, had you suppress this right, the roots and the meaning of the nation is disintegrated. Therefore, the education in mother tongue will go beyond the boundaries of the rights and will be regarded as an indispensible need.

What is striking is the fact that, although the implementation of the education in mother tongue has become the regional and international issue, and even those countries who were violating this right have now realised its implementation as the basic for democratisation, the Iranian Islamic Republic is determined to violate this basic right from the Iranian nations, including the Kurds. The very statement of one of the Iranian senior leader in regard to prohibition of any language apart from Persian language shed lights on this issue. Notwithstanding, Iran is a multinational country and there are various nations in this country including, Kurd, Arab, Turk, Beluch, Turkmen and Lur who have different language and distinct culture.

The Iranian official web site IRNA published a statement announced by Ali Bakerzade, the Iranian Deputy Minster for Education, in which education in any language apart from Persian is strongly rejected. The statement reiterated that education in any language apart from Persian is prohibited. The statement also outlined that formal education and music must be in Persian and the uses of any language apart from Persian in the Iranian schools are deemed as a crime. According to the statement, there is no way for the system of multi-languages education and if any Iranian institution does not work on this line they will be treated seriously. In dealing with them, there will not be any exception among the formal and informal institutions.

It should be noted that Bakerzade’s statement could not interpreted as a personal opinion of an individual or a single official of the Islamic Regime. This statement is emanating from the Iranian’s strategy which is by availing of both extreme and mild methods; endeavours to wipe out the languages and the cultures of the Iranian nations, particularly the Kurds.

Without a doubt the statement of the Iranian official signifies a number of facts which includes; the rejection of the legitimate rights of Iranian nations, particularly the Kurds, in to a level of denial and eradication; to decimate the brotherhood among the Iranian nations who have lived in peace and mutual respects for the last few millennium; to eradicate the cultural diversity of the Iranian society, this approach in turn would stand in total contradiction with the Iranian multi-cultural make up and the abandonment of this approach would lead to the democratisation of Iran as well as the elevation of mutual cooperation among the people; the statement is in violation of the Article 15 of the Iranian Constitution, which states that the government should permit the use mother tongue in education. Another important fact about Bakerzade’s statement is the ignorance of the legitimate rights of the Iranian nations and it would thwart democratic attempts for the solution of their problems.

Bakerzade’s statement is coming few days after the announcement of a declaration by the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK), in which the movement put forward 7 points for the solution of the Iranian and Kurdish problems in a democratic way. One of the points in the declaration is the legal recognition of the education in mother tongue; now the undemocratic and truth face of the Islamic Republic of Iran is laid naked.

Without a shadow of a doubt, The Kurds will preserve their language and culture. Although the Kurdish nations have been oppressed and violently treated for the last millennium, yet they have managed to preserve their language and this is the mystery behind their existence. As they have done in the past, by elevating the level of their consciousness and organisation, and within the framework of essential defences, they will not permit any power to wipe out their national values and until the very last breath they will resist to any attempt aimed at their eradication.

We as the Language and Education Commission of Eastern Kurdistan (LZPRK) do strongly condemn the statement of the Iranian Deputy Minster of Education. We do not see this statement in congruence with peaceful coexistence among the Iranian nations and the multicultural characteristic of the Iranian society. We see this statement in contradiction with the democratic demands of the Iranian people and as a door for the cultural massacre.

In the meantime (LZPRK) would continue its struggle for the recognition of Kurdish language in Eastern Kurdistan and by no means would it permit the eradication of Kurdish language. (LZPRK) will tirelessly continue its struggle in this area and will not take a single step back from this legitimate right of Kurdish nation and in the same time it justifies this right for all nations in Iran and elsewhere.

On this account we appeal to our nation particularly women, youths, university teachers and religious figures, not to stay silence and take adequate stance against the humiliation we receive upon our national value particularly our language. They should take positions against the Chauvinistic policies of Islamic Republic of Iran, which endeavours to inculcate the false belief on people and claim that the lack of education in mother tongue is destined on the people and has been in place throughout history. By pursing this policy the Iranian regime is seeking to commit a cultural genocide on the Kurdish people; the consequence of the cultural genocide is much more serious that physical genocide. To avoid this end, our people should be reactive to injustice and take the slogan of “education in mother tongue” as their ethical and national standard.


Language and Education Commission of Eastern Kurdistan (LZPRK)
