Let’s unite against stoning and execution

Iran._hangingEvaluation of the history of sovereignty would reveal the fact that violence has been the main characteristic of power seeking mentalities. It is however in clear violation of the international human rights standards and democracy.

Persistence of the militaristic approach and security mentality has from the outset resulted in social, political, economic and cultural crisis and it has served as the main obstacle for the civil activists to work in these areas. Any steps taken with the intention of achieving human’s legitimate rights for the Iranian society would lead into arbitrary arrests, detentions, torture and execution. Even the consideration of human rights has become a crime in Iran.

The Iranian nations have individually and collectively been persistently encountered with such inhuman phenomenon in various aspects of their lives. The mass killings of the political dissent of the 80th, the tragic period of post-revolution, are underway in the current Iranian prisons. Mass executions of the political dissents in the Iranian numerous prisons are tragic. The execution of teacher Farzad Kamanger, Shirin Alemhuli, Ali Heydryan, Ferhad Wekili, Mehdi Isalamyan along with two students of he Iranian Green Movement would clearly depict the situation.

Although women have had a substantial role in the history of humanity, they are now faced with an ideological warfare and subjected to the most vicious punishment of death by stoning. Such acts have also been justified by the state under various grounds including Sharia Law and carried out by the state’s authorities.

Failing to considers these realities, the international institutions are preoccupied with their economic interests and commercial contracts, instead of supporting the oppressed voices of the Iranian people for democracy and human rights, they are over-obsessed with the nuclear issues while the Iranian people are deprived their very basic human rights and extensively suffer from economic, psychological and political pressures. The story of torture and executions in Iran are culminating and no one seems to be willing to hear any thing. No one is willing to hear the outcries of the political dissent counting their last days under savage tortures; no one is willing to hear the voices of those prisoners who are taking their last breaths under the gallows on executions.

In order to renew our pledges with all the executed political prisoners reminding them that the gallows and the execution is not the end but a beginning for us, in order to express our moral and ethical stance against the punishment of execution and stoning and to send our message to the world, we as the political prisoners in the Iranian detentions, initiate a campaign against execution and stoning by staging a one-day hunger strike.

We stage this campaign as we believe that humanity, both its individuals and community, has not yet been emptied of their conscious and we do believe that our endeavour will not be left alone or without support. We do also intend to write a new page for the history of the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and democracy.

Political prisoners of Urmiye Detention

1.      Said Sami Huseuni

2.      Said Cemaledin

3.      Irec Mohamedi

4.      Mohamed Amin Agushi

5.      Hussein Xiziri

6.      Ibrahim Pirdehqan

7.      Gulistan Zebari

8.      Hebibullah Gulperi Pur, (Mahabd Prison)

9.      Emesh Shekho, ( Zencan Prison)

10.  Ahmed Kemubi, (Zencan Prison)

11.  Nehad Tuncer, (Zencan Prison)

12.  Ihsan Topoz, (Zencan Prison)

13.  FErhad Chalesh, (Qezwin Prison)

14.  Mustefa Ali Ahmed, (Seqiz Prison)

15.  Qezayi Yaman

16.  Abdullah Husseyni

17.  Ali Ahmed Suleyman

18.  Hessen Mirzayi

19.  Belal Chiger

20.  Nercan Qereyl, (Qezwin Prison)

21.  Mehmud Budak, (Qezwin Prison)

22.  Ahmed Guresh, (Qezwin Prison)

23.  Cumhur Nuzguch, (Tabriz Prison)

24.  Umer Cheprayi, (Ardebil Prison)

25.  Mensur Mohammadi, (Bandar Abas Prison)

26.  Khelil Mustafa Receb, (Seqiz Prison)

27.  Ismael Kurkuy Milan, (Recay Sher Prison)

28.  Naseh Yusefi, (Recay Shehi Prison)

29.  Metin Arcan, (Ewin Prison)

30.  Ramadan Ahmad, (Ewin Prison)

31.  Hadi Amini, (Awin Prison)

32.  Ramadan Saedi, (Ewin Prison)


The political prisoners in the Iranian Detentions
