Jannati: Iranian Supreme leader is chosen by God

TEHRAN, Iran – According to Elina agency Ahmad Jannati, the Secretary of the Guardian’s Council stated on Tuesday 27th of 2010 during his speech in Qhom that Khamenaei, the supreme leader of the Iranian regime, was chosen by God after Khomeini’s death, the former leader of Iran.

Jannati stated that, “after Khomeini’s death, the former of Iranian regime, Khameneie was appointed by God for leading the Iranian regime.” This statement can be explained from that view that Khameneie is someone who is absolutely perfect and never makes mistakes as he has been appointed by God.

Moreover, he alleged that “we have obtained some information that revealed to us that the US provided one milliard dollar to dissatisfy the Iranian candidate of 10th election”, the election of 2009. It means that the opposition group leaders (Green Group) such as Mosawy and Karoby have been founded and economically supported by foreigners such as United States.