Who is Abraham? The Man Known as the forefather of Jews

Hamma Mirwaisi


The answer: Abraham was an Airyanem (Iranian) by origin; DNA does not lie. One has to challenge Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars with regard to the statement above. It is based upon what I found doing research to write my book Return of the Medes. Because I can read the old languages of the region, I discovered new material on the subject. Here is my analysis with regard to Prophet Abraham in hopes it will stimulate scholars to think further about the subject because of my findings.

I understand that, in general, religious leaders (teachers of theology) are essentially dictators. They do not accept an analysis or arguments about what are written for them over the last few thousand years—what they have studied. The religious leaders of today should adopt an open minded policy by at least listening to the reasons presented offering a different interpretation. This is in the hope that they will correct apparent mistakes of the past, mistakes now recognized, based on knowledge and progress that humanity has made in the evolution of our present day, modern civilization.

To quote sources on Abraham: [1] Ἀbrāhām(Ha-brha-hham [2])—The word Hebrew comes from the name Abraham. His name means he is a “brother to all” in the Airyanem (Iranian) old language written in Mount Behistun cuneiform inscriptions by Emperor Darius the Great of the Achaemenid Empire. The word, He-brew, meaning Oh-brother, is clearly the derivative of Prophet Abraham name. The name could actually be a title because he was the religious leader of his people.

Abraham was most likely an Airyanem (Iranian) from Matiene, Mitanni or Hurrian [3] born and raised as a member of the Mitra, Mithra [4] or Zoroastrianism [5] religion from Harran [6]. Most likely he was a revolutionary and started his own religion, trying to reform the old religion of his people. Because of this he was banished by his own people and was forced to move to Canaan where he was able to establish his reformed religion.

The name Abrāhām (A-ḇrā-hā-m) means “he is brother to all” in the language left by Emperor Darius the Great of the Achaemenid Empire (an Old Iranian Empire). The Emperor Darius called it the “Aryan language.” The documents are found in Iran, written originally in cuneiform and known as the Mount Behistun Cuneiform Inscriptions. I learned of the work done by Professor Roland G. Kent, in 1953. He translated the document from the old alphabet (a symbolic alphabet which still exists today) to the Latin alphabet. I then translated the writing to proper English. Emperor Darius the Great used this same alphabet, the one discovered by Professor Kent.

First we know that the World always has been based on two opposite forces according to many religious beliefs and they have always competed against one another. For example God and the devil, two concepts in competition that have influenced the progress of humanity.


I wish to consider here the competition between two parallel worlds of Science: The Science of Theology (Spirituality) and Physical Sciences (Material and Life).


The populations in the world share many common elements such as history, religions, language, culture and heritage, with few differences. Here we are concerned with our Airyanem (Iranian) history, language, religion, culture and heritage, especially after the Arab Imperialist army destroyed our civilization and imposed on us, the Iranian people, their own religion and culture.


Many imperialist forces have come and gone in the history of humanity; most of them conquered other peoples for riches and their raw materials. Most imperialist powers are after the wealth of others, but the Arab Imperialists were different. They conquered other nations both for their wealth and their brains. They used successfully, the Islamic religion to change history, language, religion, culture and the heritage of the other conquered nations, especially our Airyanem (Iranian) nation.

Thousands of years before our time, the African people drove the Airyanem (Iranian) people from around Red Sea and the land connections with Egypt and parts of Mediterranean Sea. The wars continued for thousands of years between Egyptian conquerors from Africa and the defending Airyanem people. They took place before the Hittites Empire and later, during the Hittites Empire. The African invaders penetrated to the east of the Red Sea and conquered the Elam Empire of lower Mesopotamia (in today’s Iraq), in the year 2300 BC. They established the Akkadian Empire, later becoming the Babylonian, Chaldean and Assyrian Empires.

The word Semitic was invented by Jewish scholars. The book of Genesis could be challenged for its content if a religious leader has an open mind. Scientists have logically proved there is no basis for the claims of the book of Genesis in this modern world because of the knowledge gained by the people of our time. It is proven in many aspects that there is no basis for the claims in the book of Genesis. The people are from Africa— mostly Egyptian, Ethiopian and Somali peoples. They conquered the region under the leadership of an Egyptian army and the Africans then settled in that part of the Airyanem land.

Eventually they spread around the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea and reached the Greek Islands and Mesopotamia. Phoenicians, Akkadians (Babylonian, Assyrian, and Chaldean), Arabs and others with the same cultures—called Semitics by Hebrew people according to their religions text books—are African. The books were written beginning with the time of Prophet Moses and after him. There are indications that Greeks, Armenians, and Georgians are a mixture of African and Airyanem nations too. The Hebrew people dropped their own Airyanem language, culture and heritage in time. They dropped their own language because their number was too small to sustain their own language. They used the Phoenician language instead of their mother tongue.

The original Hebrew people’s names are in a Kurdish dialect of the Airyanem (Iranian) language and so is their genetic heritage, their DNA. The stories of Genesis are not accurate and the Hebrew people are not related to the Arab by blood. Arabs are pure African people; they do not have anything to do biologically with Abraham and the Jewish people.

Aḇrāhām or A-ḇrā-hā-m meaning “he is brother to all”, came from Harran which means “you all go away,” Terah or Te-rah meaning “your path”; Nahor or Na-hor meaning “there are no clouds”; Torah or To-rah meaning “your guide”; Tanakh or Ta-na-kh meaning “do not do”; Ta’nax or Ta-Nax meaning “come from bottom of my heart”. It would be a boon to find some document from Abraham’s time which could then be deciphered.

His reformed religion called for one God that he called Yahweh. Ya-Hweh means you are “my only hope.” It replaced the Sun God of Mitra and Auramazdâ, the God of Zoroastrianism religion. The Sun God or Auramazdâ meant “Sun or holy fire,” the name for the one God of the Mitra and Zoroastrian religions. Prophet Mehabed and Prophet Zoroaster symbolized God with sun energy or fire. Before Prophet Zoroaster, the Airyanem people symbolized God with the Sun in the Mitra religion. Prophet Zoroaster, while trying to reform the Mitra religion, got in trouble with his people and they banished him just as they banished Prophet Abraham later on.

Prophet Abraham did not have any written document for his religion. The religion was maintained by his family orally from generation to generation until Prophet Moses wrote his Ten Commandments. It is understandable for a few families among a larger group to drop their original language. The Jewish people performed a DNA test few years ago with the result that they were close only to the Kurds in the region! There are definite similarities between Kurdish and Hebrew peoples. For example, they both like to argue and discuss every subject, looking for truth always.

I am one of the believers of the DNA results, and believe that genetically (gen) information is accumulated and stored from generation to generation. The combination of genetic information, as well as family and environment will determine the behavior of a human. The Jewish character differs from the so-called Semitic (African) people in the region. They are always looking for truth like the Kurds; that is why they have the problems they do not getting along very well with others from a different culture.

Language is the tool used by humans for communication. From the language come the religions and the cultures. The information in genes goes back to the origins of the groups. There are six main bases for languages in the world: Native American, Native Australians, so called Semitic (African), Indo-European (Airyanem), Sino-Tibetan and Altaic (Turkic). Each group has a different culture because of their isolation from each other for thousands of years before they eventually reached each other and began to be mixed.

In conclusion, there are two different sciences one is the Science of Theology (Spirituality) and the other is Physical Science (Material and Life). Humanity is semi-free to study and discuss the Material and Life Sciences free from persecution. Humanity, in this regard, has made very good progress in last few thousand years. We are gaining knowledge about the atom, the universe, and biological (life) structure. Humanity is hampered, however, in making any progress in the science of Theology (Spirituality) because we are not free to study and discuss religious philosophy. The Theological (Spirituality) Sciences needs to take the path of the Physical Sciences (Material and Life) to regain its importance within our civilization. The freedom of information and freedom to exercise logical proof will enhance Theological (Spirituality) Science and increase membership of the world’s religious organizations, once based on true beliefs.

The science of Theology (Spirituality), or the religious philosophies, uses dictatorial methods to impose religion on the people using force and intimidation. It is time for humanity to challenge religious teachings and to then truly have freedom of religion on earth. When humanity is free to use the Science of Theology (Spirituality) as they now use the Physical Sciences (Material and Life) then humanity will make better progress. The Science of Theology (Spirituality) will be stronger and more meaningful when the people are free to choose. The teachers of a Science of Theology (Spirituality) will then thrive and will be better off than, as they do now, using religious teaching to hold people hostage in order to make a living.

I hope my analysis of the Science of Theology (Spirituality) and Physical Science (Material and Life) plus my claim about Prophet Abraham and the Jewish people’s origin will generate civilized discussions about the subject. It will then be the start of the freedom to study and discuss the Science of Theology (Spirituality) just as we are studying and discussing the Physical Science (Material and Life).


Hamma Mirwaisi is the author of the book, “Return of the Medes”. Born in Kurdistan, he is a US citizen and has lived in the US for over 35 years. He currently works as a speaker and business consultant for the Middle East region where he hopes to some day aid in the establishment of an “Economic Union” in the area spanning from Pak to Turkey and from Kurdistan to the former Soviet Union. He can be reached at hmirwaisi@gmail.com.




From Wikipedia


[1] Abraham (Hebrew: אַבְרָהָם, Modern Avraham Tiberian ʼAḇrāhām, Arabic: إبراهيم‎, Ibrāhīm, ʼAbrəham, Greek: Ἀβραάμ) is the founding patriarch of the Israelites, Ishmaelites, Edomites, and the Midianites and kindred peoples, according to the book of Genesis.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are sometimes referred to as the “Abrahamic religions” because of the progenitor role that Abraham plays in their holy books. In both the Jewish tradition and the Quran, he is referred to as “our Father”. Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider him father of the people of Israel. For Jews and Christians this is through his son Isaac, by his wife Sarah; for Muslims, he is a prophet of Islam and the ancestor of Muhammad through his other son Ishmael, born to him by Sarah’s handmaiden, Hagar.

The Bible relates that Abraham was originally named Abram and was the tenth generation from Noah and the twentieth from Adam. His father’s name was Terah, and he had two brothers, Nahor and Haran. His wife was Sarah, and he was the uncle of Lot. Abraham was sent by God from his home in Ur Kaśdim and Haran to Canaan, the land promised to his descendants by Yahweh.

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

God’s promise to Abraham that through his offspring all the nations of the world would come to be blessed is interpreted in the Christian tradition as a reference particularly to Christ. In Canaan, Abraham entered into a covenant: in exchange for recognition of Yahweh as his God, Abraham would be blessed with innumerable progeny and the land would belong to his descendants

[2] Note

Letter {ā sound like ha}

[3] Mitanni (Hittite cuneiform KUR URUMi-ta-an-ni, also Mittani Mi-it-ta-ni) or Hanigalbat (Assyrian Hanigalbat, Khanigalbat cuneiform Ḫa-ni-gal-bat ) was a loosely organized Hurrian-speaking state in northern Syria from ca. 1500 BC–1300 BC. During the Amarna Period, around 1350 BC, Mitanni was a major international power.”

[4] *Mitra (Proto-Indo-Iranian, nominative *Mitras) was an important Indo-Iranian divinity. Following the prehistoric cultural split of Indian and Iranian cultures, names descended from *mitra were used for the following religious entities:

Mithra (Miθra), (Persian, مِهر، میترا or میثره) is the Avestan language name of the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) of covenant and oath.

In addition to being the divinity of contracts, Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest and of The Waters. In Middle Iranian languages (Middle Persian, Parthian etc.), ‘Mithra’ became ‘Mehr’, ‘Myhr’ etc., from which New Persian and Armenian Mihr ultimately derive.

[5] Zoroastrianism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Prophet Zoroaster (aka Zarathustra, in Avestan) founded in the early part of the 6th century BC. The term Zoroastrianism is, in general usage, essentially synonymous with Mazdaism, i.e., the worship of Ahura Mazda, exalted by Zoroaster as the supreme divine authority.

[6] The city of Harran, in modern southern Turkey (32 km/20 mi southeast of Şanlıurfa, formerly Edessa) near the border with Syria, is probably the Haran of the Biblical accounts.

Canaan (Phoenician: , Kana’n, Hebrew: כנען kna-an, Arabic: كنعان Kanaʿān) is an ancient term for a region encompassing modern-day Israel, Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories, plus adjoining coastal lands and parts of Jordan, Syria and northeastern Egypt.

The Tanakh (Hebrew: תַּנַ”ךְ‎, pronounced [taˈnax] or [təˈnax]; also Tenakh or Tenak) is a name used in Judaism for the Hebrew Bible. The Tanakh is also known as the Masoretic Text or the Miqra. The name “Tanakh” is a Hebrew acronym formed from the initial Hebrew letters of the Masoretic Text’s three traditional subdivisions: The Torah (“Teaching”, also known as the Five Books of Moses), Nevi’im (“Prophets”) and Ketuvim (“Writings”)—hence TaNaKh. The name “Miqra” (מקרא) is a Hebrew word for the Tanakh, meaning “that which is read”, derived from the word qara “קרא” meaning to read aloud. The elements of the Tanakh are incorporated in various forms in Christian Bibles, in which, with some variations, it is called the “Old Testament”. The Old Testament does not use the traditional Hebrew subdivisions, though the distinction “Law and the Prophets” is used several times in the New Testament.

[7] Was Abraham A Jew?

by Wayne Blank

Abraham is one of the best-known people of the Bible. He’s a key figure in the history of both the Jewish and Arab people. He was the great-grandfather of Judah, whose descendants became known as the Jews, and he was also the father of Ishmael, from whom many of the Arab people are descended. Abraham was a Hebrew, and although the ancestor of both, Abraham himself was neither Jew nor Arab.

[8] Return of the Medes Book by Hamma F. Mirwaisi

The analysis of Airyanem (Iranian) history, cover 11 thousand years of history, language, religion, culture and heritage of Iranian civilizations.


Behistun cuneiform inscriptions

Based on the discovery of the 2500 years old Aryan language (Kurdish, Elamite, Persian and others languages), the translations below are given for your further information.

They are taken from the original Behistun (Behishtan) cuneiform inscriptions and translated into the Kurmanji Kurdish Alphabet and then into English:

In Darius, Behishtan (DB), Column 4, number 89 below:

He is saying “I used Aryan language in my inscriptions’ writing.”…

(88 m : taumâm : uba(r)tâm : paribarâ : thâtiy : Dârayavaush : xshâyathiya : vashnâ : Au)

“Protect well the family of these men, because they helped me against those separated from my path, praise upon him, Darius, he is king and law givers, by the favor of,” …

(89 ramazdâha : i(ya)m : dipîmaiy : ty(âm) : adam : akunavam : patisham : ariyâ : âha : utâ : pavast)

“Auramazdâ (God), this is the inscription which I made, among us, mankind, there are those who are not wise, our reward is written, in Aryan language, alert, as known, it is on clay tablets and on parchment it was composed…”


Tag used

Kurd, Jews, Return of the Medes, Peace, Freedom of Religion, Separations of Religion and Politics


Jew’s origin, Religion, Spirituality, DNA