Turkey & Iran are causing our Kurdish forests to burn

Steve Tataii


Turkey & Iran are causing our Kurdish forests burn in sporadic fires in 5 major Kurdish provinces of Shernax, Cholamerg, the gorgeous Dersim valleys, and Siirt, and Qandil. I hope their regimes burn in hell. Great Britain, Turkey, Iran, Syria, and the Arab Iraq Regimes must be brought to the World Court in The Hague & pay for this heavy – irreversible catastrophe caused to our precious Kurdish people’s Forests, Kurdish Villages & their Kurdish inhabitants, being systematically displaced. Shepherd Sivan Aslan said in an interview on July 14, 2010; that: Nothing’s left — no trees, no shrubs,’ Toptepe elder and shepherd Sivan Aslan says. “Everything’s been burned, so we’ll be forced to buy feed for our animals.” He adds that “the villages have also lost scores of fruit trees to the fire, which he estimates will end up costing every household in the area between 1,000 and 1,500 euros this year.”


“There haven’t been clashes around here for several years, but soldiers prevent us from accessing our grazing lands,’ Senlik says: “Fighting was most severe in the late 1980s, but even then we could graze our animals comfortably.”


Are Hillary Clinton & Robert Gates sleeping or just don’t give a hoot? Fire the two NOW Mr. President, because as time moves forward; we’re bound to face more destruction to these valuable Forests, and Kurdish people’s lives through Turkey’s phony regime, the Rabies Stricken IRRI, and it must be stopped.


The despicable animals from Turkey, Iran, Syria & Arab Iraq puppet regimes, with no sense of identity, and imported by the parasitic Great Britain & France Regimes since 1923, to devour our homeland “KURDISTAN”, so that they can steal our natural resources from Kirkuk, are yet to get lost from our Kurdish land or be forced to leave by the two international Pirates, and a Frenzy of their “Democratic – Civilized” agents, joining the biggest robbery of the 20th century along the way since 1923.


I loath the lies made yesterday by the UK Rep in South Kurdistan; when al-Sharq-al-Awsat media asked him about this Diabolic disaster. He answered with lies as I expect of “them”, and shamelessly blamed it on Kurdish Leaders, even mentioning one of our greatest Leaders “King Sheix Mahnood”, not cooperating with British scum on their terms, hence they decided to go ahead with their plan to divide Kurdistan!!! :( The current aggression by Turkey & Iran is causing our Kurdish forests burn in sporadic fires in 4 major Kurdish provinces of Shernax, Cholamerg, the gorgeous Dersim valleys, and Siirt. The following Link to Havallo will further briefly explains in some reports, how Kurdish villagers witness the fires. For many readers, who do not wish to go to the Link; I have mentioned a few mentioned quotes above.


I hope the God Almighty will burn our enemies & their domino effect followers in the Frenzy of thieves & Pirates in fires of Hell similar to the photo from the disaster, and wars they have caused all the way from 1915 to this day.


I also similarly hope & pray (my prays are often always answered by God); that anyone from Great Britain, France, and all of their accomplices burn in fires of Hell the second they lie, and lie, and lie again, even after watching what they have done to Kurds & Kurdistan; depriving them from Independence through the treaty of Serves of 1920 etand robbing us from an Independent Kurdistan in the infamous bloody Lauzanne Summit of 1923, while helping their proxy occupiers with all the weapon, money, and Diplomatic immunities, concessions, and what any nation needs to grow & survive in a progressive pace, and while Kurdistan with more than 50 million Kurdish people today, has lived in wars, with no embassies, no military aids, no normal international growth over the past 90 years.


They have no respect for human dignity nor regard for human lives, when each time they can’t even use the simple words: ” Sorry” or “We, the British government, were responsible for Kurdistan Tragedy since 1923″ or “We are very sorry, and we’ll do everything possible to at least reverse the recovery of the post ongoing disasters we have caused “knowingly”, to the 50 million Kurdish nation” since 1923.”


They will not do it, because everything that they own in England comes from the stolen Kurdish natural resources’ oil revenues, and I mean everything, and you all know very well what I’m talking about. It’s easy to cause death & destruction to Kurds & Kurdistan in the past 90 years, standing by idle callously, but is it easy to admit, pay what they can, and force the 4 monstrous regimes they have created & installed to let go of our land for once & for all?


The Link includes more heart breaking fire locations.



Steve Tataii is a Kurdish scholar, current candidate for US Congress in 2010 special election, former candidate for the United States Senate in ‘06, and US House in ’02 (won the election, but denied of his victory through a plot by corrupt inner circle political elements). US House Candidate ’08 (no debate), author of three recent books on the Iraq War related to Kurds and Kurdistan, long-time contributing writer for local and other media, linguist of more than six languages, and an Independent Conflict Resolution Consultant. His Website (soon to be updated) is: www.tataiiforcongress.com