30 Turkish soldiers killed in an overnight attack

HAKKARI, Northern Kurdistan, — The Kurdish Defence Forces (HPG) carried out an overnight raid on a Turkish military outpost in Cukurca district of Hakkari province and killed at least 30 soldiers. It’s reported that the Kurdish guerrillas completely destroyed the military outpost and seized military ordnance.


According to the reports the HPG guerrilla’s raid started at 01:30 am and the special commando forces from Kayseri based 30 km from Cukurca town were targeted. While 30 soldiers were killed in the attack, heavy weapons like shell and howitzer launchers were also destroyed.


Kayseri commando forces were deployed in the region recently and they are notorious for village destructions and human rights abuses against civilians which they carried out in the Kurdish region in 1990’s.


HPG forces also stated that the helicopters which came to the area after the raid were targeted and they had to fly back with no landing. It is also reported that the clashes in Uzundere region are continuing and HPG is expected to make another statement regarding the details of the raid.


HPG is the military wing of Kurdistan Worker Party (PKK) which has significantly escalated attacks against the Turkish military positions after the end of its 6th unilateral ceasefire on 1st June.

The PKK was founded in 1973 as the result of the continuous and systematic oppressions and the denial of the Kurdish nation by the occupying powers of Kurdistan. The PKK took up arm in 1984 since all the possible political and diplomatic means applied for 11 years in between 1973-84 proved exhausted.

The PKK however declared its first unilateral ceasefire in 1993 since it believed the arm struggle had hit its targets. Since 1993 to 1st June 2010, the PKK had declared 6 unilateral ceasefires in 6 different occasions and called upon Ankara to solve the Kurdish problem in a peaceful democratic way.

But the Turkish Authorities are adamant in their classical policies of denial and the eradication of the Kurds based on which they have continued military operations in Kurdistan. Turkish crimes against Kurdish people have gone beyond imagination. In the footage below Turkish soldiers were filmed while dragging on the ground and kicking the bodies of two Kurdish guerrillas who had lost their life in fighting.

