FIVE more execution in Iran

URMIE, Eastern Kurdistan, — Five political activists were executed on 15th July by the Iranian authorities without any attention to the international human right organisations.

According to the local news sources, the Iranian regime hanged 5 political activists named Abdollrahman Zandi, fasal Sahidi, Ali Sarban, karam Azizi and Omid Norani in prison of Urmie.

The execution of these political activists were planned two weeks ago but it was delayed due to the consistent protest of their families and more than 2000 civilian in front of the Urmie’s court and prison to stop their executions.

Every year many people from the Iranian diverse nations are hanged by the Iranian regime in order to keep them silent. Since the beginning of 2010 up till now 137 people have been executed on various different grounds mainly on the ground of “Mohareb”—being the enemy of God.