Forbidden to laugh aloud in Iranian University

Shiraz- Iran: following the stricter enforcement of dress code in Iran’s universities, the students at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences have been notified of new dress code and code of conduct regulations. The regulations are comprised of 7 chapters and 23 sections.

According to Rahana website the regulations contain codes such as mandatory long sleeves and loose shirts, prohibiting t-shirts for males and jackets (manto) with bold colours for females, mandating short nails for females, short hair for males and taking regular baths, prohibiting pointed shoes and heels exceeding 3 cm.

Additionally, chapter 6 of the regulations contains the code of conduct. It includes provisions such as prohibition of arguments, joking and laughing out loud in the elevators and the coffee shops.

In the final chapter, students are threatened that failure to comply with the new rules may result in their referral to the disciplinary committee.