Death Sentence to another Kurdish Activist

Sine- Eastern Kurdistan: Based on the Iranian’s policies of the denial and the eradication of the Kurdish nation in the region, another Kurdish activist was sentenced to death on Thursday 22nd April. Thereby 22 Kurdish prisoners of conscious up till now have been given death sentences.

According to the reports, Habibullah Golperi the resident of the Sine city was charged by the Muhabad’s Revolutionary Court as the “enemy of God” and he was given death sentence for that.

Habibullah Golperi who has been imprisoned for the last 6 months was accused of propagating for the opposition groups to the Iranian Theocratic Regime and in accordance to the article of 186 and 190 of the Islamic Penal Laws was sentenced to death.


It should be pointed out that 21 Kurdish political prisoners have already been sentenced to death and are currently waiting for their executions. With the death penalty given to Mr. Golperi the list of Kurdish political prisoners sentenced to death would amount to 22 people whose names are:


1. Zeineb Celalayan

2. Shirin Alem Holloo

3. Shrko Mearefi

4. Hebibullah Letifi

5. Sami Husseini

6. Cemal Mohamedi

7. Rostem Arkia

8. Reshid Axkendi

9. Hussein Xizri

10. Ferhad Kemangir

11. Ali Heyderyan

12. Ferhad Wekili

13. Mustefa Selimi

14. Anwer Rustemi

15. Irec Muhemadi

16. Mohamed Amin Agushi

17. Ahmed Pulad Xani

18. Hesen Taliee

19. Ezis Muhamadzade

20. Muhamed Amin Abdulahi

21. Qadi Muhamd zade

22. Hebibullah Golperi