PJAK signed Geneva’s Mine Ban Convention

The Defence Regions of Medya- Qendil’s Mountains: In a new move directed against the deployment of all the mines throughout the world including Kurdistan the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) declared its adherence and also put its signature to the Geneva Convection for the prohibition of the employments of the mines and it manifested its whole co-operations for the dismantlement and the collection of all the mines previously employed in the world.

The agreement was made on the grounds that the mines are inhuman devices that have taken the lives of the huge numbers of civilian’s as well as the militaries and rendered those disabled.

In the agreement that PJAK has signed, it has been stated that; we are aware that the humanist and the ecological catastrophic consequences that the mines have can not be ignored for the sake of military outcomes that they might bring about. We are against the beliefs which hold that revolutions and their legitimate objectives can provide justifications for the use of inhuman methods of warfare which cause pain and agonies. We are of opinion that the universal principles should be applied to all the engaged parties.

The Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) stated that; “in order to save the civilians from the militaristic and violence actions as well as respecting human rights standards and to spurring their promotions, we confirm and endorse the Mine Ban Convention which was constituted in August 1997. We would also take necessary and sufficient measures for the dismantlement of all the mines throughout the world.”


The Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) founded in 2004 with the ideology of democratic liberation and with the intention to set up a democratic system in Iran and to create a democratic self-rule for the Kurds in the Eastern Kurdistan (Iran). The PJAK accepts and envisages the ecological-democratic society and gender equality as the fundamental column of its ideology. Its initial goal is to limit and change the authority and domination of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to democratise it in four fundamental areas; the nation, the society, the citizenship and to evolve the state into a self-governing institution which is able to deliver public services, to maintain public security that would be synonymous to public authority.

For the past 6 years PJAK has been the most influential organisation of the Kurdish population. It has the strongest popular support in the Eastern Kurdistan and it has the most oppositional body in Iran. Three particular dynamics forces namely the women, students and the youths have joined PJAK with the goal of transforming the society. PJAK has become the manifestation of the people’s demand for their rights; it re-structured the Kurdish movement with ideological awareness, educated its members and raised the level of the intelligence and the political knowledge of the people in the Eastern Kurdistan.