PJAK was the response to our people’s demand

Baban Serdesht


To begin with I should claim that the Fascist policies implemented against the Kurds are not new; they started against the Kurds hundreds years ago. To make it clearer, we can refer to Ariston (the scientist of that time) who regarded the Eastern people as animals; and thus the control of East would have been easier. Ever since then the Capitalists are covetous to Middle East. In such condition and because of the geographical situation, Kurdistan was more targeted by the West Powers.


Moreover, by looking at history, it can be seen that for controlling over Middle East, the West has used different tactics. For example, instead of making blind for Ottoman empire, western capitalists tried to design some of the most important authorities on them; so that both they could control over the official governors and punish some who continuously revolt. This method had continued until 20th century, as they could control all over the Middle East. Therefore, to achieve their goal firstly they divided Kurdistan into some parts between some important and influential countries such as Iran, Turkey and Arabs with the intention of dominating these high-ranking regions in Middle East. By using this approach, Kurdish disloyal were accessible for unfaithful Arabs, Turks and Persians who were terrified and available for managing western plans. In addition, other nations such as Armani and Ashore were horrified of this situation; consequently have tried to lean to west; hence it can easily be seen that all Middle East were almost in control of west.


Therefore, Kurdish dilemma as much as is a regional crisis, can also be a global problem. For instance, we can name Algazayer agreement, Lozano convention, turned upside down the republic of Kurdistan which made by Ghazi Mohammad, assassination of Ghasmloo and Sharafkandi and the abduction the Kurdish national leader Abdulla Ocalan. Since the Kurdish problem is a globalizing problem then it requires a modern movement which in terms of philosophy, ideological, political, organisational, would be an answer to all Middle East’s problems and especially Kurds. This movement by using Abdulla Ocalan’s philosophy had already started in the North of Kurdistan. And while this freedom movement was developing in Turkey, the situation was completely different in the East of Kurdistan and Iran. Due to the lack of adequacy of Kurdish classical organisations in Eastern Kurdistan, despair was broadening day by day and it requested for persistent, stable and determined movement such as the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). In the meantime, the theocratic regime of Iran isolated the nations who live in Iran increasingly, with its undemocratic, suppressive and inhuman policies. For instance, they labelled the Kurds as the agents of Imperialism, infidels, hypocrite, separatist, warlike, terrorist and the enemy of Islam.


In such a critical epoch, the International Imperialism with the co-operation of some of the Middle Eastern countries such as Israel had sought to destroy the Kurdish freedom movement by kidnapping the Kurdish national leader Abdulla Ocalan and handing him over to Turkey. On that troublesome and hateful moment, as opposed to the Western expectation, the Kurdish people in Eastern Kurdistan revolted against the abduction of the national leaser in 16Feb 1999 and expressed their loyalty for their leader and demanded for a new life. Demonstrations in Kurdistan dominated most cities of the East of Kurdistan and many people had been martyred in Sannandj, Oromya, Mahabad and other cities. During the demonstrations many people had been tortured and were given long sentences. What the Kurdish people in East of Kurdistan were demanding for was a modern contemporary movement with an indigenous ideology that would be able to solve the Kurdish issue as well as the Middle East’s crisis.



The Kurdish demand for a new organisation based on the philosophy of Abduallah Ocalan which began on 1999, revolved to a stage where the establishment of the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) was officially announced on 04/04/2004. In a short period PJAK dominated most cities in East of Kurdistan for the reason that the party’s ideology covers all aspect of the people’s lives. It do allows for a heterogeneous society where different people with different cultures do co-exist, revive, all Ethnic groups, all Middle Eastern cultures, to nourish the spirit of reconciliation and brotherhood, to create unity among nations. The party has policies directly against the repressive mentality and the destruction of nations by imperialism and authoritarian governments of the region. In a concise stint many things have been changed and gradually, many people have been joining the party and are trying to find out more about this new ideology. Day by day this ideology is more understandable for Middle East’s nations, the only ideology for the emancipation of the Middle East is Apoism; this is the only way to protect people’s lives from the destruction implemented by the International Imperialism. This ideology advocates peace and reconciliation; the people of Middle East have had enough and the sound of guns should be silenced. Of course we people of Middle East such as Ballouch, Lor, Azari, Fars, Arab, Turk and Kurd do demand and deserve peace.