Celebrating leader APO’s 66th birthday and the 11th establishment anniversary of our party PJAK, we remember our leader APO, the Kurdish nation, family members of martyrs and especially their mothers and our people in eastern Kurdistan. We hope that an attempt to celebrate the essential life philosophy of this day will bring freedom to our nation in all parts of Kurdistan.
April 4th, the birthday of Öcalan, means reborn for the Kurdish nation, a nation that has been facing genocides and destruction. In the Kurdish common history this is a special day which brings happiness, joy and hope to the Kurdish nation and all other liberal nations in the region. Every year leader APO’s birthday will be celebrated and glorified by planting of trees.
To a Kurdish society, this day has become a day of solidarity, revolution and unity against oppression, and against any current Zahhak. The true sense of this day for Kurds and all other nations that have been oppressed, means to put an end to genocides and massacres. This day brings a new method to reach freedom and democracy in Kurdistan.
To cherish this day, thousands of Kurdish heroes have been dedicating their lives and joined the valley of martyrs just to save our people´s honor and freedom.
11 years ago on this very holy day, an ideology was born which resulted in the establishment of PJAK, a political movement benefiting our people in eastern Kurdistan. 4th of April 2004 PJAK was established in the hand of the APOist woman and youth. Establishment of PJAK that day meant rebirth, freedom and resistance. 4th of April for our people in eastern Kurdistan means a to be rescued from despair, disbelief, illiteracy and disorder.
Since that day, thousand youths from eastern Kurdistan have joined guerrilla lines for freedom and today in Kobanê and Şengal (Sinjar), they have fought ISIS fascist in the front line of war to protect our people. Besides PJAK, there have been many other political movements that have benefited our people in eastern Kurdistan, including KODAR, KJAR,YRK and KCR along with ten other points which all made Iranian regime worry about these democratic development. To stop all these established democratic movements, the Iranian regime started genocides, executions and other means of dirty politics.
We believe that a democratic nation including a politic status that allows democracy for its people is the best answer to all hardship and will be giving a fair recognition by honoring mothers of martyrs and all martyrs who died along the way for the sake of freedom and democracy.
So we call our people in eastern Kurdistan to memorialize this day by planting trees of freedom, and to unite and own this valuable day along side of guerrillas.
Finally, on behalf of our party, we renew our promise to continue with the life system which began through the martyrs of 22nd of February 1999, whom didn’t let down our freedom flag. We have respect for them and owe them for what they have sacrificed for us. To earn our martyr´s respect, we will continue walking on their life philosophy.
Yours sincerely
Free Life Party of Kurdistan ─ PJAK
Translated by Rojhelat.info
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