Power struggle within the Iranian regime and concerns over the next elections


A power struggle has re-launched in Iran between fundamentalists and reformists, causing them to attack one another.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has frequently called on the government officials to exercise restraints and because of these restrictions, the leaders of the Green Movement have been physically attacked. Simultaneously, on Monday the Conservative Parliament member Ali Motahari, expressed that “every representative is free to comment on all the government issues”.

The Expediency Discernment Council, Hashemi Rafsanjani, expressed on Wednesday his hopes and that there should be “no doubts” involving around all registration procedures and supervisions of counting the votes for the two important upcoming elections next year. Rafsanjani has already once pointed his concerns, that the votes may get wasted by fundamentalists, ruled out and circumvented by conservatives. Election of Parliament and Assembly of Experts “Majles-e Khobregan” is held next year. Rafsanjani´s concerns, implicitly acknowledge the possibilities of losing the votes of the people.
Tenth Parliament elections and the election of the fifth “Assembly of Experts” next year (1394- 2015) will be held simultaneously. The future composition of both Councils is the major concerns of Iran’s power centres.

Iranian nationalities, including Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis and Azeris, have in the past presidential elections not been in support of Hassan Rouhani, but rather in the hopes of correcting the front moderate votes and reforms. However, all these hopes are currently imploded by the anti-democratic actions of the government and the conservative clerical regime.

Rafsanjani warns especially about the next elections of “Assembly of Experts and Parliament” and makes an implicit reference to a possible election fraud in the internal power struggle within the regime of Iran. Because of the fact that the government is in control of the moderates and reformers, fundamentalists have already stated clear warnings. It should also be noted that the moderates have high hopes for the coming elections to consolidate their power base.

Recently it was proposed that the Council should request the Supreme Leader Institution, a request which was met with strong opposition from the fundamentalists.

During the latest confrontations between the opposition and the president of Iran, Rouhani said: “People are entitled to make a comment about their major issues in their country through referendum”. However, in The New York Times newspaper, Rouhani is being directed to one of the forgotten principles of Iran’s constitution, and reminded to evaluate the act of opposition of the extremists that are currently bypassing institutions under the supervision of the Conservative Parliament.

