Protests against the 15 February Conspiracy’s in Rojhelat and Iran

The Kurdish People Leader Abdulla Öcalan was captured in an intergovernmental conspiracy and was handed over to the Turkey authorities’ in 15 February 1999. Each year on the anniversary of this intergovernmental conspiracy, Kurdish people are carrying out protests around the world and all four parts of Kurdistann. This year, despite the intense pressures and repression of the Iranian regime, civil protests took place in some parts of Iran and Rojhelat (East Kurdistan).


Heshmatollah Tabarzadi - Shahrokh Zamani - Hamid Reza Borhani - Khaled Hardani

Four Iranian political prisoners on hunger strike in support of Öcalan

Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, Shahrokh Zamani, Hamid Reza Borhani and Khaled Hardani as political prisoners of Rajaei-Shahr prison in Karaj have announced in a symbolic act that they have been on hunger strike for one day to support of Öcalan condemning the 15th anniversary of his abduction.

Hunger strike has been used by Kurds in anniversary of Öcalan’s abduction. In the past fifteen years, Kurdish political prisoners especially in Turkey jails have called for his release along with condemning the conspiracy.

Heshmatollah Tabarzadi graduated in civil engineering also journalists and student activists who have been detained over the past years. Recently he has been transferred to Rajaei-Shahr prison on political charges.

Shahrokh Zamani is labor activist and a political prisoner who was arrested in 2011 in Tabriz. After several months in prison he was deported to Rajaei-Shahr prison.  He was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in charge of “acting against national security and insulting to the Iranian Supreme Leader”.

Hamid Reza Borhani other political inmate called “Prisoners 80s” for Rajaei-Shahr prison has been imprisoned on charges of supporting “People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran”.

Furthermore the political inmate Khaled Hardani was sentenced to life imprisonment in accusation of “acting against national security and disturbing the flight safety” in the hijacking Case in 2000.


Öcalans picture was on posters all over Mehabad city
APOist Youth - Mehabad - 15Feb2014

On Friday night 14 February 2014, like other parts of Kurdistan, Mehabad Branch of East Kurdistan Youth (KCR) condemned intergovernmental conspiracy of 15 Feb Öcalan posters and statements distributed in the city despite intense pressures and repression of the Iranian regime, Firat News Agency quoted.

It was written on posters mounted on boards in Mehabad “Long live for Democratic Confederalism, Curse of the conspirators 15 Feb, Long live Rojava Revolution, Long live Leader APO”.


APOist Youth condemned 15 Feb Conspiracy in MeriwanAPOist Youth - Meriwan - 15Feb2014

According to Firat News Agency, despite tight security by the Iranian Ettelaat forces in Meriwan streets, APOist Youth were distributed posters and leaflets in conjunction with the anniversary of the intergovernmental conspiracy against Öcalan.

APOist Youth Union of Meriwan have announced in their statement:

“We should be supported to establish of democratic self-rule in Rojava. We shall defend our nation under any circumstances any where any time. We need to fight for the unity of the Kurds with the slogan of equality and solidarity. We want the political parties especially in Rojhelat to adopt a unified stance to hold the Kurdistan National Congress. We’ll have to cancel plans to suspend the Congress and we should struggle to free Öcalan, relying on the strength and unity of ourselves”.


Preparation and translation: