Mine explosion injured two Kurdish Kolbers


Mines buried during the 8 years war between Iran and Iraq are killed several people every day in the border areas of Kurdistan. Meanwhile, the Iranian government has done nothing, despite his statements for mine clearance (demining) in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) Zones.

In according to reports on Tuesday 21 Jan, two Kolbers were injured over the mine explosion in border regions of Rojhelat between Bane and Pencuwen (Penjwen of Southern Kurdistan).

Based on Firat News Agency, Fuad Rostemi 19 from Saleh Abad (a village of Seggiz city) lost his leg over the Explosion. He was transferred to the Silemani Hospital to improve his health. Another kolber was seriously injured have been admitted to the Hospital on East of Kurdistan.

In a November 2012 article, a Fars News report on the slow process of mine clearance in Kurdistan called the complete clearance of mines in the region a “dream.”

There are many reasons why Iran has been unable to remove its land mines. In addition to sanctions and Iran’s domestic issues with NGOs, there appears to be, 23 years after the Iran-Iraq war, self-defense reasons why Iran has been slow to remove land mines from its borders, Monitor’s website reported.

Dozens of civilians lose their lives or suffer injuries from landmines across the Iran-Kurdistan Region borders every year. The mines date back to the days of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.


Source: Firat News Agency
Translate: Rojhelat.info