Protests against execution in East Kurdistan resulted in more militarization


Sine protests against death executions in Iran

As a result of the recent executions in Iran, many Kurdish cities organised civil protests.

In conjunction to this, youth in the city of Sine demonstrated on 16th of Nov chanting slogans of ‘No to Executions’.

In the 5 pm on that day a number of civil activists along with Sine citizens demonstrated against the recent executions of Kurdish political activists namely, Hebibulla Gulperipur, Reza Mamedi and Sherko Mearefi and the executions of Baluch and Arab activists.

According to the reports, Law Enforcement Forces of the Iranian regime attended the place of the demonstration; yet, there is no information available regarding the arrests of the activists.

In the last few days there were several demonstrations in different cities of the Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) such as Meriwan and Seqiz against the execution. Demonstrators demanded an end to death penalty especially executions of political prisoners.

Meriwan more militarized

Just after demonstration in Meriwan against the executions, military forces have circumvented the city from all sides. The authorities have increased their number of forces to threaten people preventing more protests and gatherings.

According to the reports, on the Sunday night 17th Nov especially after 8 pm, the military forces made their presence increasingly heavy. They militarized the city and its suburb.

The military forces are said to have surrounded all the strategic areas in the city preventing any gatherings. They also arrested anyone who seemed suspicious to them.


Source: Firat News Agency
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