Intensifying pressures and closure of factories, Rojhelat towards militarization

Meriwan - Calaki

Meriwan, surrounded by security forces

ROJHELAT, MERIWAN – On October 26th, Meriwan people in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) began to protest against the Iranian regime policies after execution of three Kurdish political prisoners’ names “Hebibulla Gulperipur, Reza Ismaili and Sherko Moarefi”. Since then, city of Meriwan has been militarized under the security climate.

Rapporteur of ANF Agency from Meriwan said: On November 14th the Iranian Intelligence Forces have been on high alert because of concerns about protests and demonstrations by placing multiple checkpoints in town centres.

Earlier on November 5th with PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan) initiative, a number of activists and citizen in Meriwan had protested against the execution of political prisoners in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) that had led to arrest of several protesting youths. We will not remain silent against the regime’s repressive policies; the youth massage was in demo.


Cultural Institution of Vejin

Evacuation sentence for Art – Cultural Institution of Vejin

After the closure of the Ehmede Xani Institute in Urmiye, on Monday 11 November was issued the evacuation sentence by Meriwan City Council for Art-Cultural Institution of Vejin after 10 years activity aimed with pressure on the civic and cultural Kurdish activists, reported campaign in defense of civil and political prisoners quoted from Aso News Agency.

The Vejin Institution which was administered on a voluntary basis by the city’s civic and cultural activists was held the Kurdish language courses, meetings in connection with the philosophy, sociology discussion and music courses as well within several years of its activity.

Needed to be mentioned the institution was frequently under pressure through the Iranian security forces. This action by the Meriwan City Council has created discontent among the members and civil – cultural activists in Meriwan.

Since the coming to power of Rouhani Gov’t, this is the second cultural centre in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) which banned and closed its activities.


Bokan Cement Factory

Closure of Bokan Cement Factory and unemployment 500 workers

In continuing wave of inattention and incompetence of the government to Kurdish regions, which some argue is politically motivated, Bokan Cement Factory in Urmiye Province closed due to end fuel storage; as a result 500 workers were unemployed.

According to ANF Agency, Mohemed Reza Ehsanfer the board member of cement association said: “it has not been issued an Act yet based on extension of the fuel oil cost to cement plants with the price 70 toman (Iran currency) however, the Minister of Industry, Mine and Commerce was asked to do so”.

Ali Asghar Nabizade CEO for Xoy (Khoy) cement factory also pointed out that the “this company just has 10 days to save fuel for fuel oil and other cement plants have been shut down because of the end its fuel storage”.

In the past few years, Iran’s authorities have a security glance to the Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) which has led to rising unemployment and social dilemma among Kurds with the migration to metropolitan in order to find a job and location.


Source: Firat News Agency