Former Minister of Intelligence Chosen as President’s Special Assistant to The Minorities Affairs

Ali Younesi

IRAN, TEHRAN ─ Following the promises elected president of Iran Mr Hassan Rouhani made during his election campaign regarding the right of ethnic and religious minorities in Iran, Mr Rouhani has selected former Security services minister Mr Ali Younesi as his special assistant to the minorities’ affairs.

Mr. Younesi served as Minister of Intelligence for former Iranian President Mr. Mohammad Khatami’s cabinet. Because of the role security services play in internal and external affairs of Islamic regime, since Hashemi’s first cabinet, the Ministry has been supervised directly by the Islamic Supreme Leader Ali Khamanaei.

Chosen Mr. Younesi as the special assistance to the affairs for the ethnic and religious minorities, Iranian president Mr. Rouhani is trying to show that he is honoring the promises that he made during his presidential election campaign. Despite the selection of special assistant, minorities still discriminated and viewed in security lenses.

Chosen as the security and the military figure as special assistant to the minorities’ affairs, demonstrates the extent to which the regime, particularly the reformist president is willing to improve the minorities’ situation.

In the regards Human Rights and Ethnic Minority Observes had stated that the Iranian president Mr. Rouhani had rightly and correctly spelled when he stated that because of the level of the commitment, expertise and valuable experiences, you have been selected the president’s special assistant to the religious and ethnic minorities’ affairs.