Statement of Kurdistan civil organisations with regards to the situation of Rojava and homlessness Kurds

Rojava Map

Western Kurdistan (Rojava) and homelessness Kurds need to be protected

To: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
To: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
To: Kurdistan Regional Government
To: Republic of Turkey
To: Republic of Iraq

Mass flow of the Kurdish Refugees and Critical situation in Western Kurdistan (Rojava) Necitiates Comprehensive Protection

The joint statement of Kurdistan civil organisations with regards to the situation of Wets of Kurdistan and homlessness Kurds who refuged to the naghbouring countries. The lack of food and medication imposes a great risk on the Kurdish people whom still inside Syrian territory.

Recently, one of the main daily news has become the situation of homelessness people from west of Kurdistan (Rojava) to the niaghbouring countries. As all aware, this catestrophy condition indengers lives of people in terms of security and economy in this part of our country.

Kurdistan Red Cross which is an aid and humanitarian organisation and assists valnurables in Kurdistan has recently published several reports concerning dreadful circumstances of Kurds who are still stayed in Kurdistan. At the same time human right organisations have also published reports in which all state the shortage of food and medication in a horrific way.

In conjunction with this, we as the civil and human right organisations have the following requests from the United Nation and United Nation high commissioner for Refugees:

  1. The countries naighbouring Syria, especially the Kurdistan Regional Government need to remove the sanctions and take necessary measures to assure supply of food and medication to the West of Kurdistan
  2. All Kurds whom are at serious risk, vulnerable and ill as a result of war, need to be aided according to the international standards.
  3. We are asking the United Nation high commissioner for Refugees to act out according to the act of 1951 and treaty of 1967 in which are the bases of their organisation and also assisst the refugees accroding to international rules. Also, the United Nations need to entrust the main responsibility for the refugees in the nighbouring countries of Syria and provide them humanitarian protection.
  4. According to published news from medias the refugees have been abused by the human traficking networks including women and children and this is a direct violation of human rights. Therefore, providing a secure and healthy situation for refugees in terms of moral and human responsibility in the naighbouring countries of Syria has to be practised soon and all responsible officials and agencies must act quickly. In addition, women and children need to be protected according to 1325 rule of the Security Councile of the United Nations.
  5. We are asking the United Nations to make camps for refugees in the West of Kurdistan (inside the Syrian territory)- places that are more safe- in order to let people quickly to relocate to their residential place once the circumstances changed.
  6. Human movements including movemnets of necessary basic needs shall be improved so as to let the civil and human right organisations communicate easier with the West of Kurdistan. This will also help doctors to go easier and help people in need. West of Kurdistan is one of the four parts of Kurdistan where is devided between Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey

Kurdistan Human Rights association
Civil Society Initiative (CSI)
Awena Company For Printing and Publishing
Voice of Older People and family – VOP&Family
Euromeso Foundation
The Youth Kurds for Change
Mesopotamia Culture Organization
Organization For Development Of Education
Chra Groupe
Kurdish Women Rights Organization
Campaign in defense of political prisoners and civil
Political Prisoners Federation of Kurdistan
Zoarostrians Higher Commission of Kurdistan
Azarmeher Women association
United Nations Committee on Human Rights in Iran
Hawar organization for the rights of Kurdish refugees – Syria
Shirin organization
Kurdistan Institution of Strategic Studies
Kurdocide watch-chak Sweden
Kurdistans Zarathustrian Assembly

Published by: KMMK (Kurdish Human Rights Association)