Iranian Revolutionary Guards attacked on Kolbers in Urmiye, injured one of them


EAST KURDISTAN, URMIYE — On 1st September (International Day of Peace) Iranian Security forces attempted shooting towards a group of Kurd Kolbers (people who carry goods across the border on their back) and trades people in the border areas of Urmiye. One of tradesmen was injured because of shooting.

According to report, a number of kolbers and tradesmen were ambushed by Iranian security forces in region of “Tergewer” in the province of Urmiye. Security forces were shooting directly into the kolbers and tradesmen that one kolebr Peyam Hesen was injured.

Despite numerous condemnations by regional and International human rights organizations Iranian security forces still continue the killings of innocent Kurds in border of Eastern Kurdistan specially Serdesht, Urmiye, Meriwan, Mako, Xoy, Shino and Pawe borders.

Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Reporter on human rights in Iran in his report in March 2012, for the first time expressed his concern about the systematic killing of kolbers (back carriers) and condemned these extrajudicial killings.