Ocalan’s birthday and the anniversary of foundation of PJAK were celebrated in Oslo, Norway


ANF, Oslo — In Oslo, the capital of Norway “Kurdish Cultural Population” with participating plenty of Kurdish people celebrated the birthday of Kurdish leader, Abdullah Ocalan, and the anniversary of foundation of PJAK.

The Ceremony was begun with a moment of silence to honor those who were martyred for the liberation of Kurdistan. Then “Routin Amad” who is in charge of “the Kurdish population” warmly welcomed the guests and spoke about Ocalan’s birthday. Then the message was read by representatives political parties who were participated in the event.

Ehmed Jiyako, the representative of PJAK spoke about Ocalan’s birthday and the anniversary of foundation of the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). He mentioned the developments in the region of the Middle East and available opportunities for Kurds and said: nowadays “Kurds have great opportunity in the Middle East that it is a result of decades campaigns by Kurd’s leader, Abdullah Ocalan, and resistance of Kurdish people.

Also “Hndrin Bavenury» the representative of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party during a speech, congratulated Ocalan’s birthday and the anniversary of foundation of PJAK. After that the message of “Democratic Union Party” (PYD) was read.

It is worth mentioning that the ceremonial hall decorated with posters of Ocalan, PKK, KCK and PJAK flags. Following the ceremony, children cut the birthday cake, which was written on “Happy Birthday Leader”.

The ceremony was continued until the evening with joy and dancing from all parts of Kurdistan, especially from the eastern Kurdistan, also at the end they chanted, “Long live Leader Apo”.


Source: Firat News Agency (fa.firatajans.com)
Translated By: Rojhelat.info