BDP: We are facing a historic phase


Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) head office has released a statement on Thursday on the results of the BDP central executive board meeting on Wednesday.

BDP said that the meeting focused on the recent meeting with Abdullah Öcalan, the jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the current political environment in Turkey and activities for 8 March and Newroz.

BDP evaluated the recent process of talks launched by Öcalan as a historic step and added; “The talks Mr. Öcalan has been having with state authorities for the last five months, his meeting with BDP delegation and the letters he has sent to our party, to KCK (Kurdish Communities Union) and to units in Europe are of historic importance”.

BDP pointed out that the Turkish state is for the first time having such a comprehensive dialogue with a Kurdish leader since the establishment of the Turkish Republic, and noted that Turkey is going through this significant process owing to Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan who -it underlined- has been giving an uncommon struggle under solitary confinement for the freedom of the Kurdish people.

BDP remarked that the fight Kurdish people has fought for Öcalan’s freedom and the hunger strike resistance of Kurdish political prisoners have enabled the recognition of Öcalan as the interlocutor for a solution to the Kurdish question.

BDP warned that the so-called “Imralı process” means not a solution but just a beginning on the way to a solution.“It is a challenging and risky duty to progress this process and to ensure a democratic republic where we can govern ourselves and gain our status”, it added.

BDP noted that the party will also be continuing to give a struggle against the anti-democratic policies of the AKP government.

“A solution to the Kurdish question cannot be ensured without a true democracy and a democratic republic which is demanded by not only Kurds but also by all peoples and all the oppressed. The current process therefore requires a struggle by all powers siding with democracy”.

BDP underlined that there is an urgent need for a democratic constitution which should reject centralization and hegemony, guarantee the equality and social rights of all peoples and the freedom of religion, and strengthen self-governance.

BDP added that the party will also continue to display solidarity with Rojava.

ANF News Agency