A seminar was held in the School of Economy in Greece: “We Are Indebted to the Kurds.”


ANF, Athens — On the 14th anniversary of the international conspiracy of February 15th, a seminar was held in Greece. In this seminar it was asserted that due to Greece’s involvement in this conspiracy, the Greek government should apologize to the Kurdish people, to whom the government is indebted. Also, the Greek were demanded to play a considerable role in the freedom of Ocalan and finding a solution to the Kurdish question.

The seminar was held in the School of Economy in Atena, Greece. A number of politicians, intellectuals and professors from the universities of Greece and “Esmat Kim”, the head of the Confederation of Kurdish organizations in Europe, participated in this seminar. In this seminar the international conspiracy and Ocalan’s latest condition were discussed. “Esmat Kim” brought up some issues about the international campaign of “Freedom for Ocalan”.

“Just like the movement which was formed to free Alexander Panagvls, a similar movement must be established for Abdullah Ocalan’s Freedom” Isatis Panagvlys, MP of SYRIZA movement stated later on. He referred to the role of the Greek government at the time of the international conspiracy, and asserted how embarrassed the government and its people are for not being able to have prevented this conspiracy. Further, Panagvls apologized to the Kurdish people and promised to strongly support the campaign of freedom for Ocalan.

“Mhals Haralambds”, PASOK’s former MP and a well-known sociologist and author asserted that the Greek government should apologize to the Kurdish people, since it obviously is indebted to the Kurds. He also demanded Greece to play a more considerable role in the organization of European Council and the United Nations, regarding the freedom of Ocalan. Haralambds also asserted to commit himself to making Ocalan the righteous winner of the Nobel prize for peace.

Meeting between the government and the opposing parties

Esmat Kim the head of the Confederation of Kurdish organizations in Europe, had a meeting with the Greek foreign affairs representative and other Greek parties to discuss “Ocalan’s Freedom Campaign”, finding a solution to the Kurdish question and the events in the region. He also had interviews with several newspapers and television networks. Furthermore, he participated in two seminars held in the camps of Kurdish refugees.

Source: Firat News Agency
Translated by: Rojhelat.info