NEWSDESK, — A number of Kurdish political prisoners in Urmiye’s prison were transferred to the custody of the Iranian Intelligence Services meanwhile legal authorities refused to respond demands made about the fates of these prisoners.
Ehmed Temuyi, Cehangir Badozade, Yusef Kaka Memi, Eli Ehmed Suleyman and Mustafa Eli Ehmed are some of these prisoners that their fates have been unknown from 45 days ago.
Despite all efforts made, the prison´s authorities and the officials of Intelligence Agency have refused to respond the families of these prisoners making inquires about their fate and this add to the concerns of their families.
Meanwhile Mukrian News Agency published a letter from two prisoners in Urmiye prison. In the letter they protested against the intolerable situation of political prisoners in this jail.
In their letter Yusef Rehmanipur and Osman Mustafapur point to the violations of law and discriminatory behaviors of the authorities.
They have also stated that the political prisoners in section 12 of Urmiye prison are suffering from injustice and intolerable situation.