Serdesht is a city in East Kurdistan which was poison attacked by the Iraqi warplanes in 1987. Within the attack four major spots including two villages were poison-gassed which resulted in heavy civilian casualties including women and children.
People around the bombarded area rushed to help the victims as they assumed it was a normal bomb attack, but while they were approaching the area their bodies started to itch and their eyes swollen while water running from their noses and mouths. Then they realised that their city had been attacked by chemical weapon. Many of those who tried to help the victims lost their lives.
In the second day of the chemical attack hundreds of more people were killed and injured. Many victims send to Mahabad and Urmiye city hospitals.
It is not known how many people exactly lost their lives in this brutal attack by Saddam Husen but it was predicted that as many as 8000 people were killed.
According to the Iranian sources the attack did not inflict any harm on the Iranian Army or the Revolution Guards Corps; hence all the people killed were civilians.
A day after Serdesht attack, Helebce city in South Kurdistan was gassed by the former Iraqi regime which led to death of 5000 civilian Kurds.
The tragedies of Serdesht and Helebce are only a tip of ice-burg of what had happened to the Kurds by the regional colonialism.