Protest against Turkish premier in Amed

Erdogan_-_crox-facedAMED, Kurdish Capital, — To protest against the Turkish premier visit to Amed, demonstrations have been organised in the city.

Several groups on Kuruçeşme and Sento Streets who chanted slogans against Erdogan were attacked and dispersed by police. 

Turkish premier Erdogan accompanied with his wife and daughter was met by AKP ministers, the Governor, Chief of Police and AKP Provincial Chair at the airport.

The Prime Minister and his ministers moved from the airport in accompany of armed vehicles and under intense police measures. Some groups who protested against the Prime Minister on Sento Street were dispersed by police with severe violence. 

The AKP congress at Seyrantepe Closed Sport Hall started with the participation of around five thousand AKP members.

Police has taken extra security measures around the hall and performed id control on the people in the area.