Four people died in an explosion in Turkey

NEWSDESK,  —  Four people died and seventeen people were injured as a result of an explosion in front of Security Directorate in Pinarbaşi district of Kayseri on Friday morning, at around 09.30 local time.

according to ANF news agency, one police officer and three activists lost their life as a result of the bomb vehicle attack in Pinarbaşi district of Kayseri on Friday morning. Including eight police officers, seventeen people are reported injured by the attack. Among the casualties are also three children and six civilians living in the area.

According to witnesses and official statements, the bomb vehicle was realized when it evaded a police checkpoint on the Kahramanmaraş-Kayseri highway and headed towards the Security Directorate in Pınarbaşı district of Kayseri 60 km away. 

A clash broke out between police and activists when police officers attempted to stop the car near the police station. The bombs in the car were reportedly exploded by activists during the clash with police. 

In a statement after the explosion, Interior Minister idris Naim Şahin said that the attack was carried out by two suicide bombers in the bomb-laden vehicle. Şahin also noted that the attack actually had another target other than the Security Directorate.