MERIWAN, — Iranian security forces entered the village of Ne while chased the Kurdish workers to confiscate their goods but were encountered with the resistance of the local people.
The residents of Ne village in Meriwan city encountered the Security Forces preventing them from confiscating the goods of the workers and expelled them from village.
Suffering from lack of unemployment the Kurdish workers are forced to undertake perilous task of working on the borders carrying goods on their backs into the country. The goods they bring include clothing, vehicle’s parts, television, tea and sugars.
Often the weight of the goods carried on their backs overburden them and as a result majority of them suffer from backache and relating pains.
Nevertheless they have no option but to undertake such a heavy job. They are often ambushed by the Iranian soldiers who don’t hesitate to open fire on at any point.
According to a statistic from Kurdpa, from 20 March to the present time at least four workers have been killed and dozens killed. The actual figure might even be higher.