Raising possibility of Gulperipur execution

Hebib_golperiNEWSDESK, — The risk of Gulperipur’s execution persists. The prison officials denied his family visit, raising the possibility of his execution.

Hebibulla Gulperipur was sentenced to death for his alleged involvement with Kurdistan’s Free Life Party (PJAK).

In regard to Gulperipur’s possible execution PJAK had previously announced; “The execution of Hebibulla Gulperipur or any of political prisoners is our read-line”.

Jailed since 2009 for his political activism, the possibility of Gulperipur’s execution persists today.

Gulperipur was taken from Urmiye prison and transferred to Siman’s a month ago, where he was informed that his execution is due.

The human rights institutions as well as the family of Mr. Gulperipur are concerned about his fate and fear that he might be executed secretly.

His family’s request for visit has been repeatedly denied by the prison officials raising concern about his fate.