Demirtaş: European institutions are a party to Turkey’s crime

demirtasNEWSDESK, — Speaking at the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Group Meeting on April 17, BDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş evaluated the silence of European institutions about the ongoing hunger strikes of Kurds as “actually saying a lot”. 

Demirtaş reminded that 111 days have been left behind the Roboski slaughter and said the followings; “Still, no single authority has been subjected to an administrative investigation as the specially authorized court keeps everything secret. Neither those who gave the order to fire nor those who stand behind this dirty slaughter have been revealed. It would be a great scandal if the government didn’t know who gave the order for the bombing but we know from the very beginning that the government cannot be excluded from this process as only it holds the authority for a cross border operation. The government must therefore explain why it gave the order to fire. The bodies of people fell to pieces there; this is not an ordinary game. We will try all ways to not to let this event be forgotten.” 

Demirtaş continued calling attention to the uninterrupted and systematic torture and ill-treatment in prisons in Turkey and added that hunger strikes in prisons continue in connection with the current political process outside. “They demand that the isolation in Imrali should end, a new process of negotiation and peace should start and Kurds should be granted their rights by the new constitution. As the fifteen hunger strikers in Strasbourg are on the pain of death, the silence of European institutions about the ongoing hunger strikes are meaningful. It should be seen now that some European institutions are a party to the torture crime of the Turkish government. The EU representatives should read the situation in Turkey well and brief their institutions correctly. The EU and CPT will otherwise be a party to this crime. 

Calling attention to present violations of rights in Turkey, Demirtaş continued saying that “The KCK main case is a symbol in this respect as the accused deputies, mayors and woman representatives aren’t even allowed to defend themselves. This is a shame, not a trial. Specially authorized courts are the law commissions of the AKP government. They are not the courts to practice fair trials.” 

Demirtaş underlined that the AKP government doesn’t need or demand a new constitution and remarked that the AKP authorities haven’t presented any concrete opinions on the new constitution to be formed. 

“In AKP’s opinion, there is no need for a new constitution as the government has gathered all authorities within itself while we insist on local governances. However, we will continue to maintain our persistence as we see a constitution of freedoms as the solution needed for Turkey”, added BDP co-chair Demirtaş.