QENDIL, — In an interview with Rezan Cawid a senior member of PJAK (Kurdistan Free Life Party) he shed lights on the Iranian new scheme of screening the political detainees on TV program forcing them confess against their previously held outlooks. Cawid believes such schemes have been rendered ineffective.
“PJAK as one of the most active and attractive parties of East Kurdistan and Iran,” said Mr Cawid, “has regularly been faced with military, political and propagandist attacks from the Iranian government; nevertheless, until now, not only all of such efforts for the liquidation of our organisation have been rendered ineffective, but such attempts have made us more resolute to continue our struggle and thus we have further gained the trust of our people.”
In relation to the regime’s pursuit of its classical policy Mr. Cawid observed; “Iran has persisted on the policy of killing and eradication. And to achieve this it asserts more pressure on our people by making unemployment rife, developing pro-state and treacherous mentality among the people, arresting more people mainly the political and civil activists and it also tries to expand its attacks on our party from political and social perspectives.”
Pointing to the recent Iranian parliamentary election, PJAK senior member observed; “For the Iranian government, there is no plan other than violence and bloodshed in dealing with the problems. For example the parliamentary election was initially regarded as a hope to transcend the current problems, but the filtering system imposed by the Council of the Guardians derailed the process of the election and distorted the outcome. This was a tragedy for the free election”.
“By drawing people to the election poll,” added Cawid, “the Iranian regime wanted to restore its lost legitimacy, that’s why our party PJAK boycotted the election. The act of boycott was a warning for the Iranian regime.”