Racist attack on Kurdish workers

racist_turkTURKEY, — Hundreds of racist Turks raided a small group of Kurdish construction workers in Emet district of Kutahya on Tuesday evening.

While they were chanting anti-Kurdish slogans they began to set fire on the tents, materials and clothes of Kurdish workers. 

The racist attack is reported to have come following a discussion between two Kurdish workers and two Turks who accused the Kurdish workers of being supporters of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party).

While workers resorted to the building of Provincial Special Administration after the attack, police and gendarmerie units took security measures against the racist group.

As Kutahya Governor Kenan Çiftçi, Provincial Security Director Kadir Akbiyik and Gendarmerie Regiment Commander Colonel Bektaş Arslan went to Emet district after the event, Governor Çiftçi tried to cool the racist group down who therewith threw stones to the car of the Governor as well.

Three gendarmerie officers were slightly injured during the event which ended following the intervention of gendarmerie units. 

After being drawn away from the scene, the group continued chanting slogans against Kurds in front of the building of the Governorship.