NEWSDESK, — The Secretary General of Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) Rehman Haci-Ehmedi cheered Women’s International Day in a statement he released today.
In the statement Mr. Haci-Ehmedi remarks; “The 8th March and women’s rights, is increasingly awakening the slumbering conscience of the conservative and egoistic people. Now it’s realised that there is no any difference between men and women in relation to physical and mental potentials.”
In regard to freedom, the Secretary General of PJAK outlines; “The social and humanistic freedom could not be secured only by disintegration of dictators, a democratic and equal society is achieved merely through the establishment of the equality of rights in all respects.
PJAK leader points to the role of women in the Kurdish Liberation Movement and observes; “Role of Kurdish women in the national, political and social campaign and their attempts in the process of democratisation of society is unique and evident for the world.”
He also adds; “I believe that the freedom of women, a free and equal life has commenced form Kurdistan’s Mountains, which has the potential to be the foundation for the change in the whole society, not only in Kurdistan but also in the Middle East and globally. This emanates from the ideology, philosophy and the sustained campaign of Ocalan.”
At the end of his statement Mr. Haci-Ehmedi cheers the 8th March to all women throughout Kurdistan and across the globe.