Half million signatures to kick Turkish militaries out of Kurdistan

1_million_campaignSOUTH KURDISTAN, — A campaign under the name of “No for Turkish military bases and intelligence agencies inside Kurdistan”, has come to an end and nearly half a million signatures were collected.

“One Million Signature Campaign” began late last year by “Ala Centre” in a press conference. The aim of this campaign is to drive the Turkish forces out of the county.

The campaign was specially supported by “Kurdistan Youth Conservatives” as result of Turkish bombardment which led to kill entire family in Ranye region.

A large number of people are against the presence of Turkish military activities inside Kurdistan. The main objective of the campaign was also to pressure Turkish government and its allies to withdraw its bases from south Kurdistan.

Turkish government has been violating the territorial integrity of Kurdistan Regional Government since 1991 by conducting cross-border attacks on the Kurdish villages.