NEWSDESK, — A committee of Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) consisting of BDP Co-Chair Selahedin Demirtaş, DTK Co-Chairs Ehmed Turk and Aysel Tugluk, Deputies Leyla Zana, Sirri Sakik, Nazmi Gur met President of Federal Kurdistan Regional Government, Massoud Barzani, former head of government, Berhem Salih, KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) Foreign Affairs Executive Ahmed Kani and representatives of many organizations.
Speaking to DIHA about the meeting Selahedin Demirtaş and Ehmed Turk remarked that it focused on the necessary approaches to be taken by the Kurds in the face of current political developments in the Middle East.
Ehmed Turk said the meetings put significant importance on the national unity of Kurds. “Works for national unity doesn’t constitute a threat for the other peoples in the Middle East, a national unity of Kurds on the contrary aims to ensure a solution to the Kurdish problem which has been a bleeding wound for all peoples in the region. As the first step to a solution, all segments should be included the conference by voicing their political opinions and projects here,” said Turk.
Pointing to the statements suggesting the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) shouldn’t be included in the conference unless it lays down arms, Mr Turk argued, “It is a fact that the PKK is a strong movement approved by the majority of the Kurdish people who have a mental and spiritual unity with the PKK in all parts of Kurdistan. The non-inclusion of PKK in the works and the conference of national unity would be a loss for the Kurdistan nation. It is therefore a necessity for all Kurdish political and civil movements, the PKK in particular, to attend this conference.”