Over 4500 Kurds taken into custody in the last seven months

KCK_trialNORTH KURDISTAN, — Of 4,547 people detained, 1,838 have been remanded in custody in the last seven months in connection with “KCK” operation which targets Kurdish politicians and institutions since 14 April 2009, ANF reports.

According to the BDP statement, the figures of this years are as follows; 383 detentions and 117 arrests in March, 906 detentions and 406 arrests in April, 969 detentions and 501 arrests in May, 524 detentions and 120 arrests in June, 65 detentions and 44 arrests in July, 331 detentions and 74 arrests in August, 636 detentions and 237 arrests in September, 717 detentions and 332 arrests in October.

While the figure of November is still on the increase in line with ongoing operations, the number of detentions during the last seven months therewith exceeds two thousand.

Speaking at the protest demonstration staged yesterday in Istanbul against “KCK” detentions, BDP MP Hasip Kaplan noted that these operations were severer than the executions of the military coup staged on 12 September 1980.

“This is not an advanced but an idiot democracy”, said MP Kaplan and underlined that the Prime Minister put his signature under all kinds of unlawfulness.

Kaplan said that; “The AKP would be left alone if 8,000 members of it were detained and among them 4,000 were put in prison. However, the Kurdish people are protecting their will, lawyers and media as detentions and operations continue. The Prime Minister needs to see that people cannot be reduced to silence in this way.”

Kaplan pointed to the confidentiality verdict in the operation and urged Erdogan to explain who poked and pried for him in this connection and caused lawyers to become target.