AMED, — People who attended funeral of Kurdish guerrilla in Amed, Kurdish capital city, were attacked by Turkish police.
Funeral of Kurdish guerrillas Mizbah Ezer and Omer Erdogan were attacked by Turkish police. The bodies of the two HPG guerrillas, who lost their life in Chele on the 22-24 October, have been brought from Malatya to Amed (Diyarbakir) without problems.
The convoy accompanying the bodies was indeed stopped a few times by the police this morning while travelling to Amed.
As many as 10 thousand people gathered in front of the Bayramoglu mosque where, they were told, the bodies would be brought from the cemetery. But the coffins were not brought there and the people started a march. At that point the police attacked the crowd with tear gas.
It is now a recurrent and disturbing feature for police to attack the funerals of guerrillas. Clearly they are acting on a specific order which is to prevent people even to mourn and pay their tribute to Kurdish youth who gave their life for freedom.
This is indeed another vicious way to violate human rights. It is interesting to note how main stream media instead report in a callous way not just the event (demonstrators attacked the police) but also how they prepare the public to have a specific, induced reaction.
That is a reaction against the people who want to mourn their dead. Indeed in the days prior to the funerals the media are full of news telling how the BDP is planning to have funerals in Amed in order to get as many people as possible at the ceremonies and there start riots.
It is indeed a callous way to report events, more than that it is the fabrication of a lie which aims at fuel hate among people. It is a total lack of respect for people who lost their loved ones. The media are playing a really dirty role in this dirty war. And this is a disgrace to the journalism profession.