Deteriorating condition of political prisoners in Urmiye detention

URMIYE, East Kurdistan, — The condition of Kurdish political prisoners, who called for help from the human right organisations, is worsened.

Last week some prisoners sent out letters regarding their severe condition at the prisons asking for help from all human right activists especially the international human right organizations, as most of them are charged unfairly and have been subjected to extensive tortures.

The political prisoners – named Seyd Sami Huseyni(sentenced to death), BilalCilger, Ali Huseyn Amoly, Ahmed Tamoy and Muhemmed Emin Abdullahi- were undergoing investigations and menaced to death by the intelligence officer of Urmiye prison.

Someone who was called Alireza has interrogated these prisoners and threatened Seyd Sami Huseyni, who is sentenced to death on the charge of ‘God’s enemy’, to carrying out his sentence.

The prisoners were insulted and their demands were forgotten, above all their situation is deteriorated.