PKK and PJAK prisoners call for uprising

kcktrialNORTH KURDISTAN, — Over 7,000 Kurdish political prisoners of PKK and PJAK have made a statement in which they have called for Serhildan (Kurdish word for uprising) in all the areas.

The statement was announced by Deniz Kaya on behalf of PKK and PJAK held in Turkey’s prisons. Serhildan is a response to the mass-killing of Kurdish guerrillas in Chele of Colemerg, where Turkish aircrafts used chemical weapons.

The slaughter of tens of guerrillas in Chele and the KCK operations referred to as political genocide and the prisoners announced that “the pro-Fethullah sect, Gul and Erdogan are the officially registered murderers of the Kurdish people.”

The statement noted that it is time to go into action now when the democratic free-will; party and institutions of the Kurdish people are burnt down and closed while thousands of politicians are arrested and put in prisons.

Calling for Serhildan for a free and dignified life, prisoners called on all Kurdish people, revolutionaries and democrats to join the rebellion movement in all areas against the racist and denier colonial system.

The statement also urged all international establishments, particularly the United Nations, European Council, CPT, ECHR and EU to take action to fulfil their responsibilities for the life of the Leadership (Abdullah Ocalan)

The statement vehemently condemned the attacks against the guerrilla and the people and listed the demands of seven thousand PKK and PJAK prisoners as follows:

1 – Stop the isolation of Leader Apo,

2- Meet the conditions of free movement, health and security for Leader Apo,

3- Respect laws of war by ending the use of chemical weapons which is considered as a war crime and prohibited all around the world,

4- End the terror of detention and arrest applied on our civilian and defenceless people, 

5- Stop the pressure on our institutions, human rights defenders, intellectuals and writers.”

The statement ended by warning PM Erdogan, President Gul and “the pro-Fethullah sect to stop these lawless and barbarian implementations, respect our bodies and display a brave hostility. We once more remark that we will not hesitate to take a tougher line if our demands aren’t met and we call on all our families, people, sensitive public opinion, intellectuals and all those siding with humanity to act in solidarity with us for the fulfilment of our demands”