Turkish savagery on bodies of 24 Kurdish guerrillas

MALATYA, — A delegate of BDP, IHD and MEYADER demanded to see the bodies of 24 Kurdish guerrillas held in Malatya Hospital but they were only shown photos of the dismembered bodies.

“Violence isn’t enough to tell what was applied on those bodies. I am ashamed of humanity”, said Bitlis MP Husamettin Zenderlioglu who told that the bodies were all burnt and fractionated.

Tthe Prosecutor argued that the bodies-12 men, 11 women and one other with the foot part alone – belonged to HPG guerillas who allegedly lost their lives in Çelê district of Hakkari.

Giving information about the meeting with the Prosecutor, Bitlis MP Husamettin Zenderlioglu stated that the Prosecutor refused to give the identity information of the casualties who-he claimed-weren’t carrying identity cards. Commenting this argument as implausible, Zenderlioglu remarked that autopsy isn’t allowed on unidentified bodies.

Having difficulty in expressing the view of photos shown to them and families of two guerillas, Zenderlioglu remarked that the bodies, dressed in military uniforms, were entirely burnt and fractionated. “I can’t find a word to express how a person can do this to another”, said Zenderlioğlu and noted that they called BDP Co-Chair Gültan Kışanak with the intention of meeting the Minister of Justice concerning the issue.