Iran behinds discords of Iraq and Kurdish Regional Government

Sipas._XameneyiSOUTH KURDISTAN, — Conflicts between the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) and Maleki’s government in Baghdad have emerged that Iran is reported to be behind them.

A few days ago Maleki (the prime minister of Iraq) has announced that if Kirkuk (a Kurdish city) is annexed to Kurdistan, ‘he would not let that happen and insist on it if even his life would be at risk’.

Although the Kurdish Regional Government is meant to be a federal region, but due to the opposition of the central government and especially Maleki, there are still some regions that have not given back to Kurdistan and among them there is Kirkuk, Xaneqin, Mosul and some other cities.

With regard to this issue a Kurdish MP in Iraq Parliament, Mahmud Osman, announced that behind this conflict there is the Iranian government. He added, ‘the Iranian government has had some meetings with Maleki and have also invited Masoud Barzani to Tehran-the capital city of Iran- to negotiate with them and have some mutual agreement between them in the interest of Iran.

However, Masoud Barzani has not yet accepted Iran’s invitation. Osman has also alleged that the dispute between the government of Maleki and KRG is due to the reason that Kurds are with federalism and Maleki’s government is against.

He also asserted that the American defence secretary, Leon Bonita reminded to Iran that ‘Americans will stay in Iraq for a while and in the meanwhile they will not forget about Iran’.